Privacy Policy


We collect certain information necessary to accomplish the goals of The Cornerstone Standard. We will not rent or make your information available to third parties except in as much we have to to provide information through our website or communication channels. This includes our website host, host application software and auxiliaries.

We will not use your contact information in any other way than to inform you of The Cornerstone Standard Coalition news and commentary and opportunities to sign additional documents as they are made available.

We do not use your IP address or cookies for marketing purposes. The only cookies used are for site functionality and statistical analysis to understand which parts of the website are being used and how people are finding the website.

Information Collected And Used

Always Private
[Only Admins have access]
Default Private
(Signers can make it public)
Always Public
IP Address, cookies used for functionalityFor Citizens:
Profile Picture, [Citizen label],
First Name, Last Name, State, County
Date Joined
Social profiles
Signatures (Signed or not)
Referral / Search Terms used for statistical analysis and understanding usability of website.Additionally for Governors:
[Governor label], Current or former
Username / Email Address – used for registration and logging inAdditionally for Legislators:
[Legislator label] Federal or State
House or Senate
District Number
Phone Number – used for validation
Address, City, Zip Code, for validation of signer, mailing correspondence with signer
Password – this is never known by us unless we manually work with you to reset it and we choose the temporary password. We will never ask you for your password.


Signer profiles are PRIVATE by default, but you can add your signature to the public signature page and at that time certain data becomes public as mentioned above. Please visit our FAQ to learn how to make your signature public.

By registering for our website and signing documents, you are agreeing with the principles of the Cornerstone Standard. You agree to not use this information for personal use or to scrape this information to be used in any way. You will respect the privacy and dignity of individuals who have added their information to the public directory.

Deleting Profile

We make it possible to delete your profile. As far as we are aware, if you delete your profile none of your information remains in our live system. Please note your information will remain in our backups and we apologize if by random chance we have to restore our website that your profile may be restored. At that time we request you delete your profile again.


We take the security of your data seriously and have a website host that has a security system in place to prevent malicious activity. We keep our website platform up to date and frequently backed up. We have also implemented several security controls to protect our website and your data. While no website or internet connected system is 100% secure, it is within the realm of possibility the data you provide may become publicly available if we are successfully hacked. We do take every reasonable precaution to hold your data securely and with good will toward your privacy and do not anticipate any issues keeping your privacy private.

For any questions about privacy please contact cornerstone @