In forming The Cornerstone Standard Coalition, we have begun the process of reaching out to the great heart of this nation to begin building a national consensus which can form a bulwark against the spreading darkness that threatens the children of this nation. The Cornerstone Standard Coalition is fully committed to upholding the principles of “The Cornerstone Standard: Protecting Children”, which currently is comprised of one article. Article 1 of “The Cornerstone Standard: Protecting Children” reads as follows:
Article 1
- It is a serious criminal offense to administer so-called “transgender healthcare” to minors—which is mutilation, whether by pharmaceutical or surgical means such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or disfiguring & debilitating surgeries.
- We believe that criminal laws should be passed and enforced against those who perpetrate these serious crimes. [The criminal laws protecting children from mutilation would not apply to the exceedingly-rare cases where medical procedures are necessary to treat children born with Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD) such as ambiguous genitalia or other congenital malformations.]
- We intend to form a coalition among the States and Counties of this nation who hold these beliefs in common cause to protect children from the perpetrators of these crimes and punish—to the full extent of the law—those who commit them.
It is essential that the justification for our formation of The Cornerstone Standard Coalition—among our nation’s States and Counties— be clearly set forth and properly understood by all citizens of The United States. The foundational basis for the Social Contract between a government and its citizens is Consent—that the citizens give their Consent to be governed. Furthermore, only when that Consent is given can a government’s powers and their exercise be considered legitimate.
We are seeking to unify this great nation around an issue so fundamental that, without such agreement among citizens and their governments, a Social Contract cannot be said to exist. This most fundamental of all issues is: The Protection of Children. To whatever extent a government threatens or actually brings about harm to children, the Social Contract is broken.
In forming The Cornerstone Standard Coalition, we have begun the process of reaching out to the great heart of this nation to begin building a national consensus which can form a bulwark against the spreading darkness that threatens the children of this nation. The Cornerstone Standard Coalition is fully committed to upholding the principles of “The Cornerstone Standard: Protecting Children”, which currently is comprised of one article. Article 1 of “The Cornerstone Standard: Protecting Children” reads as follows:
Article 1
- It is a serious criminal offense to administer so-called “transgender healthcare” to minors—which is mutilation, whether by pharmaceutical or surgical means such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or disfiguring & debilitating surgeries.
- We believe that criminal laws should be passed and enforced against those who perpetrate these serious crimes. [The criminal laws protecting children from mutilation would not apply to the exceedingly-rare cases where medical procedures are necessary to treat children born with Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD) such as ambiguous genitalia or other congenital malformations.]
- We intend to form a coalition among the States and Counties of this nation who hold these beliefs in common cause to protect children from the perpetrators of these crimes and punish—to the full extent of the law—those who commit them.
Furthermore, by vote of The Cornerstone Standard Coalition members, additional articles will be added which are deemed necessary to protect all children within the Member States. Counties outside The Cornerstone Standard Coalition States may also choose to affiliate with the Coalition and register their support to whatever extent their God-given and constitutionally-guaranteed rights will allow.
One of many developments which makes the formation of The Coalition so urgent is that multiple States have taken the position that a child can be transported or lured from a State where so-called “transgender healthcare” is banned to a State where it is allowed and this child can be given puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and so-called transgender surgeries while still a minor—and parents who would object can have their parental rights taken away by the courts in those so-called Sanctuary States. The powers of government implied or directly asserted in this horrendous so-called transgender healthcare sanctuary legislation are so vast and all-encompassing that they constitute a mold from which the currency of our nation’s future would be forever minted—a currency utterly devoid of anything remotely resembling the protections guaranteed to the citizens of our Republic by the Constitution of the United States of America.
If our citizenry had no rights whatsoever, it would be difficult to imagine anything worse befalling them—as the result of governmental action— than to have their children be forcibly taken and mutilated. No legitimate governmental or judicial powers exist in the US Constitution to give so-called “transgender healthcare rights” to minors nor are any related powers constitutionally delegated to the Federal Government—quite the opposite. The Constitution of the United States of America clearly states that it is not within the Enumerated Powers of the Federal Government to adjudicate or legislate in these matters. Rather, our nation’s Constitution places these powers under the Reserved Powers of the States to determine what protections will be given the minors who are citizens of their particular States. Furthermore, these Reserved Powers do not extend protections to those who would utilize disingenuous legal subterfuge to undermine the laws of another State—in order to mutilate their children.
In actual fact, the so-called “Sanctuary” concept where one State unilaterally claims the right to undermine the laws of another is in violation of Article 4 of the US Constitution. Yet, laws are being passed which claim the power to do exactly this in these United States. And, those States which resist such unconstitutional powers being exercised upon their children are being undermined by so-called “Sanctuary States” who are in league with the most destructive forces of the government & judiciary, corporate, public and private institutions ever to have been unleashed against our Constitutional Republic and its citizens.
Not forming a Coalition against these outrages would mean we were silent in this hour of great national crisis—and our silence would imply our Consent has been given to these atrocities, these Crimes Against Humanity. It is our firm conviction that attempts to assert and exercise these unconstitutional powers must not only be met with the most immovable resolve and vehement resistance; there is much more required of us, if we would truly secure the safety of our children in these dark days. The perpetrators must be prosecuted for committing these crimes to the full extent of the law and the Coalition States must cooperate fully with each other in law enforcement matters to accomplish this.
We are adamantly unwilling to consign the future of our children to the opinions of perverted science, which is patently motivated by financial gain and extremist ideology. We are not persuaded by “the science” and, therefore, we do not give our Consent. We believe that the persons who administer so-called transgender healthcare to minors are criminals [as are those who assist them materially] and should be punished to the full extent of the law. The Enumerated Powers of the Federal Government or court system do not include any power or jurisdiction that could be legitimately exercised in these matters. And, we are unwilling to have 60 million children mutilated while we wait decades for the courts to decide to rule on these matters and their constitutionality with finality, as we saw with the Roe vs Wade debacle.
With the formation of the Cornerstone Standard Coalition of States, those who would perpetrate these crimes will be placed on notice that—if they are found within the borders of any of the Coalition States, having contributed materially [directly or indirectly] to effecting the mutilation of a minor who is a citizen of a Coalition State—they will be arrested/extradited, tried and [if convicted] punished to the full extent of the law. The Cornerstone Standard Coalition of States will be a true sanctuary where children are actually protected from all corporate greed in league with extremist ideologies which command enormous resources all intentionally pointed toward bringing about our children’s destruction. The Member States will stand united in the shared value system upon which our nation was founded and which has been part and parcel of the greatness of our Republic, from its inception.
There can be no negotiation or compromise of these values. We the Member States of The Cornerstone Standard Coalition will not yield to coercion in any form or threats made by any entity whatsoever and we will never agree to turn over our children to the mutilators, under any circumstances. The Cornerstone Standard Coalition of States is immovably-resolved to stand and act in accordance with these sacred and constitutionally-founded principles, with complete confidence in the rectitude of our Cause— knowing with utmost certainty that our Creator will come to our aid for the sake of the innocent and vulnerable children of our nation.
May 5, 2023
The Honorable Kristi Noem
Governor of South Dakota
500 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Dear Governor Noem,
As you may know, the State of Minnesota recently passed laws that designate our state as a
“sanctuary state” for, among other things, so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors, which
includes gender-reassignment surgery and puberty blockers. These recent laws make it legal for a
minor from South Dakota to be transported to Minnesota for the sole purpose of receiving these
surgeries or puberty blockers without the knowledge or consent of that child’s parents, in
violation of South Dakota state law. We share common goals with you— the health and
protection of our children being chief among them, and we are deeply ashamed that our state
would make itself party to this radical and evil agenda. We are now compelled to draw a line—in
a way that is unmistakable, and which carries with it the full weight of our power and
authority—when it comes to the indoctrination, luring, and subsequent mutilation of our
Article IV, Section 1 of the US Constitution states, “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each
State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State,” and yet the
Governor of Minnesota [through Executive Order 23-03] flagrantly & deliberately ordered the
Executive Branch of the State of Minnesota not to honor subpoenas issued by the State of South
Dakota in matters related to so-called “transgender healthcare.” In so doing, Governor Walz is
violating the US Constitution, his Oath of Office, and profoundly breaking faith with the State of
South Dakota in a matter that could not be more sacred or central to the well-being & interests of
the People of South Dakota.
It is our belief that a line now needs to be drawn here, at this exact point in our history as a
nation. We are hereby making the most urgent appeal that you issue a public statement to the
effect that penalties will be imposed against anyone participating materially in luring or
transporting South Dakota minors for the purpose of providing “transgender healthcare”
including so-called gender-reassignment surgery and other related medical procedures.
States must be held accountable for going so far as to violate the US Constitution to commit acts
that are inherently evil. Actions which result in the mutilation of children are crimes, and the
perpetrators, along with their accomplices, must be held accountable. Where adult citizens are
concerned, the choice to be a citizen of a state is not simply an accident of birth; citizenship is a
matter of agreeing to act in accordance with the community values of that state.
Criminal penalties for kidnapping and child mutilation are in order and well-justified. As far as
any legal definition of what would constitute an individual being a “material accomplice” to the
act of child mutilation, this is a matter we are confident your Attorney General will competently
We hope your leadership succeeds in defending the health and safety of children where ours has
failed. We, the undersigned, stand committed to render any assistance you may request,
regarding this urgent matter. Please do not hesitate to enlist us in this fight.
May 22, 2023
The Honorable Doug Burgum
Governor of North Dakota
600 East Boulevard Ave
Bismarck, ND 58505
Dear Governor Burgum,
As you may know, the State of Minnesota recently passed laws that designate our state as a
“sanctuary state” for, among other things, so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors, which
includes gender-reassignment surgery and puberty blockers. These recent laws make it legal for a
minor from North Dakota to be transported to Minnesota for the sole purpose of receiving these
surgeries or puberty blockers without the knowledge or consent of that child’s parents, in
violation of North Dakota state law. We share common goals with you— the health and
protection of our children being chief among them, and we are deeply ashamed that our state
would make itself party to this radical and evil agenda. We are now compelled to draw a line—in
a way that is unmistakable, and which carries with it the full weight of our power and
authority—when it comes to the indoctrination, luring, and subsequent mutilation of our
Article IV, Section 1 of the US Constitution states, “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each
State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State,” and yet the
Governor of Minnesota [through Executive Order 23-03] flagrantly & deliberately ordered the
Executive Branch of the State of Minnesota not to honor subpoenas issued by the State of North
Dakota in matters related to so-called “transgender healthcare.” In so doing, Governor Walz is
violating the US Constitution, his Oath of Office, and profoundly breaking faith with the State of
North Dakota in a matter that could not be more sacred or central to the well-being & interests of
the People of North Dakota.
It is our belief that a line now needs to be drawn here, at this exact point in our history as a
nation. We are hereby making the most urgent appeal that you issue a public statement to the
effect that penalties will be imposed against anyone participating materially in luring or
transporting North Dakota minors for the purpose of providing “transgender healthcare”
including so-called gender-reassignment surgery and other related medical procedures.
States must be held accountable for going so far as to violate the US Constitution to commit acts
that are inherently evil. Actions which result in the mutilation of children are crimes, and the
perpetrators, along with their accomplices, must be held accountable. Where adult citizens are
concerned, the choice to be a citizen of a state is not simply an accident of birth; citizenship is a
matter of agreeing to act in accordance with the community values of that state.
Criminal penalties for kidnapping and child mutilation are in order and well-justified. As far as
any legal definition of what would constitute an individual being a “material accomplice” to the
act of child mutilation, this is a matter we are confident your Attorney General will competently
We hope your leadership succeeds in defending the health and safety of children where ours has
failed. We, the undersigned, stand committed to render any assistance you may request,
regarding this urgent matter. Please do not hesitate to enlist us in this fight.
May 22, 2023
The Honorable Kim Reynolds
Governor of Iowa
1007 east Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50319
Dear Governor Reynolds,
As you may know, the State of Minnesota recently passed laws that designate our state as a
“sanctuary state” for, among other things, so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors, which
includes gender-reassignment surgery and puberty blockers. These recent laws make it legal for a
minor from Iowa to be transported to Minnesota for the sole purpose of receiving these
surgeries or puberty blockers without the knowledge or consent of that child’s parents, in
violation of Iowa state law. We share common goals with you— the health and
protection of our children being chief among them, and we are deeply ashamed that our state
would make itself party to this radical and evil agenda. We are now compelled to draw a line—in
a way that is unmistakable, and which carries with it the full weight of our power and
authority—when it comes to the indoctrination, luring, and subsequent mutilation of our
Article IV, Section 1 of the US Constitution states, “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each
State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State,” and yet the
Governor of Minnesota [through Executive Order 23-03] flagrantly & deliberately ordered the
Executive Branch of the State of Minnesota not to honor subpoenas issued by the State of North
Dakota in matters related to so-called “transgender healthcare.” In so doing, Governor Walz is
violating the US Constitution, his Oath of Office, and profoundly breaking faith with the State of
Iowa in a matter that could not be more sacred or central to the well-being & interests of
the People of Iowa.
It is our belief that a line now needs to be drawn here, at this exact point in our history as a
nation. We are hereby making the most urgent appeal that you issue a public statement to the
effect that penalties will be imposed against anyone participating materially in luring or
transporting Iowa minors for the purpose of providing “transgender healthcare”
including so-called gender-reassignment surgery and other related medical procedures.
States must be held accountable for going so far as to violate the US Constitution to commit acts
that are inherently evil. Actions which result in the mutilation of children are crimes, and the
perpetrators, along with their accomplices, must be held accountable. Where adult citizens are
concerned, the choice to be a citizen of a state is not simply an accident of birth; citizenship is a
matter of agreeing to act in accordance with the community values of that state.
Criminal penalties for kidnapping and child mutilation are in order and well-justified. As far as
any legal definition of what would constitute an individual being a “material accomplice” to the
act of child mutilation, this is a matter we are confident your Attorney General will competently
We hope your leadership succeeds in defending the health and safety of children where ours has
failed. We, the undersigned, stand committed to render any assistance you may request,
regarding this urgent matter. Please do not hesitate to enlist us in this fight.